Army Public School Parachute Regiment Training Centre

School code: 49056 | Affiliation Number: 880012
Conditions For Admission

Parents are requested NOT TO BE GUIDED by any person or agencies who promise admissions at Army Public School PRTC, Bangalore.

Please contact Principal for any enquiry regarding admissions. Please do not fall prey to any agent for admission to the school. Admissions will be given purely on the basis of Merit, irrespective of any recommendations

General Admission Rules

Fresh admission can be made in the school throughout the session.

Priorities Of Admission

The priorities for admission subject to availability of seats will be as under:

Priority-1- Children serving Army personnel (including DSC), children of Army Widows and children of those TA personnel who have a minimum of 5 years embodied service.

Priority-2- Children of Army Ex-Army personnel retired/invalided out on medical grounds with pension, DSC personnel retired with pension from DSC.

Priority-3- Children of serving Air Force, Naval and Coast Guard Personnel.

Priority-4- Children of retired Air Force, Naval and Coast Guard Personnel.

Priority-5- Children of ex Army personnel who left Army with less than 10 years of service and not categorized as ESM.

Priority-6- Children of civilians paid out of Defence Estimates, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), MES, GREF, TA (when not embodied)

Priority-7- Grand children of serving / retired Army Personnel

Priority-8- Other Children

Age Criteria
For admission to Class The student should have completed under-mentioned years of age on 31 March of the year in which admission is sought
I 6 years
II 7 years
III 8 years
IV 9 years
V 10 years
VI 11 years
VII 12 years
VIII 13 years
IX 14 years
X 15 years

*Date of Birth once recorded in the school register will not be changed.

Admission Criteria
  • Academic Session is from April to March.
  • Entrance test and Interview will be conducted for the candidates.
  • The following documents are required at the time of admission :
    1. Birth Certificate in Original
    2. Transfer certificate from the previous school with Attestation of the Block Education Officer in case of different state.
    3. Two recent Passport size photographs
    4. One recent group photo of parent and their child seeking Admission
Admission To Class Xi

The minimum percentages/grades for allocation of different streams in Class XI:

Stream Minimum Cut-off Percentage
Science Maths English
Science with Maths 71 71 51
Science without Maths 71 61 (Basic Maths 71) 51
Commerce with Maths - 71 51
Commerce without Maths - 51 (Basic Maths 61) 51
Humanities No restriction